Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA) have a high potential for enhancing employee performance. FWAs have been shown to decrease employee stress and increase employee engagement and productivity. Although not every position can take advantage of these arrangements, flexibility can be customized to work for the individual, the manager, and the department in many ways. The following FWAs are available at UC Santa Barbara: flex schedule (compressed workweek or flextime) and flex location (telecommuting or working remotely full time).


Best Practices for Employees

Flexible work arrangements require preparation and commitment. For many people, even a small amount of flexibility can make a tremendous difference in successfully balancing responsibilities at work and at home. UC policy states that an employee may request an alternative work schedule in accordance with local procedures. 


Best Practices for Managers

Promote a productive and collaborative virtual workplace. Managers have a responsibility to achieve their unit’s goals and to provide the guidance, support, training, and organization for their staff to ensure success. If you provide the right tools and guidance, as well as consequences if someone isn't meeting expectations, then everyone can succeed.


Best Practices for Departments

Flexible work arrangements are possibilities, not guarantees. Foundational activities should occur prior to discussing FWAs with individual employees, including determining which positions are eligible for remote work. 

Remote Work Etiquette

For remote work to be effective, employees and managers need to establish and agree on etiquette around scheduling, Zoom and conference calls, and other workplace communication. Remote workers must help manage the group's expectations and their own communication in order to avoid any negative impact on the morale or productivity of non-remote workers.


Emergency Planning

The use of remote work will enable departments to continue functioning through hazardous weather, pandemic, physical attacks, or any other event that would result in the closure of campus or campus buildings. 

Remote Work FAQs

Remote work (also known as telecommuting) arrangements are not new, but because they may be unfamiliar to some employees and supervisors, we’ve assembled these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help navigate potential remote working scenarios.

Virtual Tools

UCSB clipboard icon checklist remote work

UCSB Checklist: Are You Ready to Work Remotely?

This checklist helps ensure that you and your staff and coworkers are ready to work remotely, addressing: 

  • space needs,
  • equipment, network, and collaboration tools setup,
  • cyber and information security,
  • remote desktop access,
  • offsite voicemail retrieval, and
  • supervisor communication.